Sometimes we all get a little "passionate" about things. I think most of us has been that person at one time or another. One of my favorite quotes from here is " Your Jehovah's Witness is showing". It reminds me to let other people believe what they want to.
Again we all come at things from a unique perspective. All of us were hurt in different ways from the Witnesses or we wouldn't be here. We are mad because we were lied to, abused, treated badly, so different things trigger each person. I don't blame or credit the JWs for how my life has turned out - it's all on me.
I feel like your original point was that JW's can't be responsible for all cases of child abuse within the organization because they couldn't have known about them. I agree with that. It's the cases they did know about and didn't report that gets me going. Their policies that allow an abuser to not face criminal consequences, it needs to change. Children are so vulnerable they need to be protected wherever they are. People here are touchy about it because at one time we all thought those policies were right, and we know better now.